Thursday, December 13, 2012

All I want for Christmas is....


Every day I log onto Facebook, and see people writing a status about how "things need to change" and we "need to save this world" and "do unto others as you'd have done onto you", etc. etc. Speaking with my friend Josh the other day, he mentioned to me that most people TALK about these things, but don't actually act on any of it. I have assisted in Volunteering throughout my life. I have given hundreds of hours of my time to the Greater Lansing Food Bank in assisting in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars. 
I am friends with Capital Area Humane Society on Facebook, and everyday I get their wonderful updates on animals that have found their forever homes. Then I go to their site and see all of the animals that are still at the is heart breaking. This is a non-kill shelter. I can't even imagine euthanizing   an animal because someone just "didn't want to take care of their pet anymore". 
After being heartbroken about how many animals had no home, I decided I needed to do something to help. The volunteering section is full (AWESOME) until January, but I wanted to help now. 
This holiday season I am putting the word out that this shelter has a wish list they would like filled to help the pets, the shelter and the volunteers at the shelter. 

Here is a link to their website if you haven't heard of this shelter: 
Capital Area Humane Society

Here is their Wish List for the holiday season:
Wish List for the Shelter!

Please read all the way through the list, there are small items and large items. If you can donate anything it would be greatly appreciated, or if you only have a few bucks lying around, anything can help! I want to contribute to this shelter because maybe someday these non-kill shelters will be the only thing around, so even if animals cannot find their forever home (some animals at the shelter are over 7 years old), they can live the rest of their lives comfortably:) 

Do your part in changing the world for the better.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

Happy Holidays!!