Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cancer. SUCKS.

My friend is going through chemo right now and is documenting his journey.
Take a minute to send some positive vibes his way, and if you want, check out his blog and leave an encouraging word. 

Much Love.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quick note...

When you begin to manifest your dreams, 
you may be surprised to find, 
that everything starts coming together.
Some how,
some way.
It does.

I'm not here to ask why,
I'm here to give thanks 
because I am on my way
slowly but surely.....on my way.

Samantha Heberlein Photography

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jim Carrey and some pretty awesome words...

I listened to a commencement speech that Jim Carrey gave quite a few times...and walked away with some pretty amazing and inspiring words I wanted to share...

"You can spend your whole life worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be, is what is happening here.
And the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.

So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.
What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the Universe for it.

You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love"

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dreams. Limits?

Today I want to talk about dreams.

Awake, or asleep. Those thoughts, wishes, hopes, desires we all have... Dreams. 
They lack just one thing to become reality...


To start this entry, I think something first needs to be addressed, and that is "limits". 
First, a definition from 

  1. 1. a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.

  2. 2. a restriction on the size or amount of something permissible or possible

By definition, limits are basically a stopping point. A no fly zone, if you will. No further outcome or possibility are possible. The limit. The end.

When we talk about dreams, there has always been this dark black hole sucking the life out of those dreams, and that one limits. 

I have a question! Who exactly sets those limits? When we are young, and we play dress-up and make believe that we can do and be anything. We REALLY really mean it. The fierce desire to be exactly what we may have dressed up as was so intense, that if anything thwarted our very real potential reality, a tantrum or tears would follow. Dreams were crushed, because a limit was set. 

But, I'm confused....who set it?

Was it our parents?
Was it the mean girls in the hallways of high school that would tease you? 
Is it society?
Other men?
Other women?


With the extent of physical constraint (which is limited to constraint of your physical being)...who has control over the dreams that you have, inside your brain, your soul, your body...?

I THINK the one. No one else has control over your dreams. If freedom is what you seek, then dream! Dreams are freedom. Who would stop you from your dreams? 

Me, myself and I.
Us as individuals.

We are our own worst enemy. We set our own boundaries. We set constraints. We create limits.
OF COURSE there are other human beings that feel the need to step outside of their bubble, without permission or consent and trample on our beautiful, vibrant and shiny dreams. Take their spiky Louis Vuitton heels and stab that dream right in the heart, watching it bleed and picking up that beautiful lifeline and dragging it across the cement spelling out "Y-O-U A-R-E N-O-T G-O-O-D E-N-O-U-G-H".
Sure. There are always walls to scale, and oceans to swim, and and and and and....
but in the end.
In the end.
We set our own limits.

Let's go back to this conversation of people trying to crush your dreams. I don't really understand these people.

A smart woman once told me....STOP! When we say that, aren't we always talking about our Mothers? Anyways.

A smart woman once told me that "some people really think that there is a shortage of dreams, a shortage of love, or luck! As if, because someone is having a really good day, or someone falls in love, then THAT'S IT! That's all there was. There is none left for you, or anyone else. "

I thought to myself...holy crap that is totally true. I understand it now. Don't act like you haven't looked at Engagement photos, or Sonograms, or travel photos and thought "UGH screw them!!! That's so dumb! Sure just rub it in!" (I admit it! I have been there!) Where do you think that all comes from? Jealousy. Why are you jealous? Because you don't have that one thing. Who says you can't have that one thing? NO ONE. 
Yet another example of limits.

We have dreams, people try and make us believe that there are limits, and we believe them, and we allow our dreams to be crushed.

This has to stop!!!


Sit down and meditate about it, write it out, paint it, photograph it, do whatever you have to, but don't stop. Whatever you do. DO. NOT. STOP.

I am going to be that person that says, THERE IS NO LIMITS! You can decide right here and now that you will give everything you can to make those dreams come true.

Don't let anyone or anything stop you. Surround yourself with those that empower you and support you.
It is not going to be easy. By no means think this is going to be a simple task.
BUT it will be worth it.

SO if you are ever feeling like things aren't going right, or that the road to your dreams are getting too rough, or that too many people are trying to bring you down...come back to this post and read it again!!! because...

 Y O U   A R E   G O O D   

 E N O U G H 

and on top of that....


I hope that this post allows you to open your eyes to new chances, and possibilities, and maybe even...stops you from crushing someone else's dream.

And last but not least, from a favorite band of mine.....

'"Take what you can from your dreams,

 make them as real as anything..." 

-Dave Matthews Band

If you happen to be on Pinterest and need some inspiration 
check out my Inspirational Board
It's where all these quotes came from :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Yesterday I took part in Tough Mudder- Michigan. This race is 10-12 miles of running through mud and working through and over obstacles. The best part is? You cannot do this race alone. Everything is about camaraderie. I ran with 2 other fantastic strong women, and 4 other determined, equally fantastic men. All of which had my back in one way or another.

I also learned something this weekend. Maybe not something completely new, but something I now see in a different light.

When we stood at the beginning of that race and looked up to that American Flag with the National Anthem playing in the background. I took that all in. My personal thoughts on Religion and Politics aside, I thought about what that flag not only means to Americans, but for those seeking what that flag represents.


I ran through 12+ miles of mud, completed some obstacles, others I couldn't. But I did my best to turn around and make sure everyone within' arms reach of me was assisted in whatever way I could assist them.

Pyramid Scheme is a slanted wall, where you have to literally stand on each others shoulders and allow others to climb up you to reach the top. Every step you take, you want to apologize because you know that person you are climbing is probably hurting as much as you are, if not more. You can't guarantee where you're going to step. Here's the best part of this race...once you have climbed your teammates and have reached the top. You have two options, keep moving to stay warm and get the race over with faster, or turn around and put your hand out for anyone that needs it. Our team was awesome. Without question each person stayed where they were and helped people up the wall. I stayed at the top with my arms outstretched for anyone to grab on to. As soon as I started sliding down the wall with the weight of the man I was trying to lift, my ankles were grabbed and I didn't have to look back to know that was my team holding me.
Photo from Tough Mudder

At those moments, you do not ask questions. You don't care what someone's religion is, their sexual orientation, what side they vote for, what they did yesterday or what they may do tomorrow. We came together, not just my team, but also the individuals on the wall next to us, to accomplish something bigger than us. The goal was to finish, and with this race, there is no man left behind.

When my legs were cramping and my lungs were giving out, other females were passing me with ease. Yet another moment that tests you, not physically, but mentally. Do you give up and be angry that the other girls are doing better than you? Or do you keep pushing and cheer them on and encourage their fight in a male dominated race? 

You cheer them the fuck on! You tell them to keep pushing! Because although you may be behind, you are THERE in the race with them! You are doing your best, and you are challenging yourself. THAT is what matters. 

Looking back, we often take advantage of what we're "allowed" to do.  I am not blind to the fact that there are plenty of other places on Earth that would not only NOT allow a female in a competition like this, and any attempt to take part, would likely end in punishment.

So I stand proud of this Freedom that I have to stand side to side with men and run long distances, scale high walls, tear up my legs in the dirt and rocks...because the reality is. When we are all covered in mud, we all look the same. We're all in the same fight together.

I think if everyone had to take part in this race. EVERYONE. 
This world may be viewed in a very different way.

Team Heisenberg, Tough Mudder- Michigan, 2014

Thank you to my teammates for encouraging me, pushing me, challenging me, and helping me. Special thanks to Curtis who stuck with me the whole time, and to Micah and Colin for letting me climb them. I'm so sorry. hahahaha :) Love you all!!! Bib #33832

Proceeds from this race go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Thank you to all of the men and women that risked or lost their lives serving.

May one day, there be peace.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Have you ever seen those fundraising websites where people can put their dreams out there and ask for assistance funding them? 

Well if you haven' you have :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Looking Back...just for a minute.

Today I took some time to look back on old photo albums I have on Facebook as well as the entries that are on this blog. It is interesting how just a few photos can pull back emotions, feelings, love, sadness, adventure, laughter, peace and fun. 

It makes me desire more travel and adventure, and to get my camera back out and start shooting again. Where have I been? What have I been doing?

This leads to the question I have faced a lot this year.... 

"Are you happy? or just really comfortable?"

I think I finally know the answer.